Sunday, November 25, 2012

Are you where you thought you would be??

Last week the PTO had African acrobats come to the school and perform for the student body. They were quite awesome. It was amazing to watch them flip and tumble. These men make a living out of doing this . It was wonderful for the students to see that you can use your talent and make a living.
Do you remember when you were a kid? What did you want to be when you grew up? I remember wanting to be a Dr. for the longest, you can add superhero to the list. I wanted to be a vet, writer, and teacher. It has changed so many times over the years. Twenty years later here I am with a degree in Education. I'm sure if you were to glance at my list you wouldn't see model, actress, singer, rapper, reality TV star...etc. Future WNBA player was on the list, but it was definitely a short lived dream, you have to be EXCELLENT and I was only good. I was one of those people who was not willing to put the necessary time aside to excel further. (< see what I'm saying, short lived).

I was talking to a great friend of mine recently and we talked about many things. The conversation navigated itself to where we thought we would be at this point in life at 26. Rewinding back 10 years, I thought that I would be in a completely different position financially and I thought I would have more munckins running around, (all products of the same two parents). In the now, it was not foolish of us then to have ideas of which direction we wanted our lives to head in. (<----make sense?) I think it's safe to say a great number of us are in the same boat..  We all envisoned different things for our lives. (period) At this point in my life, I tell people that you have to let go of where you thought you would be to get to where you want to be. You have to do things for yourself. Life is too flippin short to not wake up and do something that you love. When people are confused about what they want to do I ususally ask one question. What do you wake up thinking about? For me that answer is teaching and writing (Oh and raising my kids until there school bound, but that's another blog, another day.) I'm slowly but surely taking the necessary steps to get to that place. My husband is going back to school (puts a smile on my face) but he likes a couple of things and was just racking his brain trying to figure out what kind of job he could get. I just told him to you go to school for what you love, you figure out later what you'll do with it. I know to some people that may sound silly or even absurd, but who cares? It makes sense no? At a conference Blessed Ministries had, I learned if you're walking in your purpose, God will provide a way, and it will flow effortlessly. I would rather wake up and do something that I love and like, then to be stuck in a job I hate.

This doesn't only apply to your job/financial situation, but it can apply to self as well. If you're not the person you want to be change it. Take the necessary steps to change that, you can be the person that you've always wanted to be. I know that, that might mean that you will have to be vunerable and exposed, but it feels so much better once you get to that place where you want to be. Sometimes it means saying I'm sorry when you really, really don't want to, accepting people for who they are.  It's beautiful, once we stop limiting ourselves, we can open ourselves up. (Hey I'm working on all this too!)

All we need is a little direction. Not expectations or pressure. Time to figure things out. Once you figure them out, man it's a beautiful thing. I guess I'm saying all this to say it's never too late to do what you love and love what you do and love who you are.

Is anyone else out there facing the same struggle?

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Completely Naked

                                              (Thanks Alanzo Adams for the Awesome Art.)


Brandon and I recently celebrated out 1 year wedding anniverary. It was wonderful and one milestone that we celebrated (as we will celebrate many more together.) We accomplished our first year of marriage. Our anniversary crept up on us as well. The first year flew by. We have had our shares of bumps in the road, but we get through it together. Marriage is truly a learning experience. We celebrated by going wine tasting, eating our one year old cake, drinking our one year old bottle of wine, cutting our pictures and creating a scrap book. We spent time together. We talked, laughed, danced and kissed. The biggest thing I'm thankful for is for my husband's sense of humor. I act like it gets on my nerves, his off key singing, his old man dance moves and his over enthusiasm for some things, but I love all of it. He always makes me laugh, and when I'm not smiling and I've have a rough day, he makes it his personal goal to make sure I am smiling by the end of the day. We balance each other out quite nicely. I need to take a page out of his book and just relax somedays (don't tell him I said that ; ) ).
We have a great marriage, but there are times when our wires cross and our communication is just plain bad. I imagine that this happens in most marraiges lol. The other night we layed in the bed and talked. I have had a couple of off days, somedays I wake up angry or mad and poor hubby gets the crappy end of the stick. When my communication sucks I yell, usually in the midst of yelling I want to stop and tell him what the real problem is and just tell him to hold me. BUT that would be way too easy. I am a yeller. (My name is Katherine and I'm a yeller, first step is admitting you have a problem, that way you can work on it) When things invovle feelings, or I feel like I am lacking, it's hard to outright just say those things, yes even to my husband. My husband talked as I listened about what had been on his brain recently. His work schedule has been hectic and it has sucked for both of us. As we shared that with each other, I got perspective from him and vice versa. In listening to each other you gain a better understanding of your partner. You get to know them even better. It's like having a slumber party with your bestfriend and revealing things about yourself that you've never admitted to or told anyone.
You know, when you get married, there's no handbook or magic solution that will fix your problems. You have to get comfortable with the idea of being "completely naked" in front of each other. Not in the physical sense, but emotionally. We have to reveal things to each other, and that's something we didn't have to do being bestfriends. We have to let each other into those places in our mind that we never let anyone see before. Sounds easy right? Uhhh not so much. We're intune enough to know that there are unsaid words when we're having a couple of off days in a row.  It's hard to be completely vunerable and baring it all. But hey if you can't do it with your husband/wife, who can you do it with? I appreciate his honesty and feedback more than anything. I value his opinion most. Don't forget in the midst of all that, that we pray for each other, but I believe the most important thing is to pray together. It's what helps you through the bumps and I believe it's going to make getting "completely naked" with Brandon easier.
What do you think?
Are you  getting "completely naked" with your partner?