Thursday, January 23, 2014


My husband wrote a blog for me yesterday that I am very excited to share. <3

I recently had the opportunity to take two weeks off for vacation.  I was able to do many things that I wanted to do and other things I haven’t had time to do.  We went to visit some loved ones and had a great time.  But during this time I noticed many things.  I also had many different realizations. 

This is how life should be.  My wife had two snow days and we had stocked up on groceries the day before the storm and severe cold hit.  When I woke up in the morning I didn’t have to rush, there was no thought in my mind other than thanking God for another day and going downstairs to make some breakfast for me and my girls.  Those two days were great; I rank them very high amongst my fondest memories in my short time as being a husband and father. 

Through all of this I got to thinking about my wife.  Well wives in general.  The good ones.  The QUEENS.  Now if you don’t have such a status I am not speaking about you.  Don’t kid yourself, as you continue to read you will know who it will apply to if you have any question.  But anyway during my time home I did a lot of the cleaning, most of the cooking, got Kolby ready, took and picked her up from school, etc.  I didn’t just want my vacation to be a break for me, but for Kathy as well.

Now of course I pitch in, I do dishes, mop the floor, clean the tub, lawn work, snow shoveling etc on a normal basis.  But I got a taste of what a woman does on a daily basis.  Let’s just say that I have a greater appreciation and admiration for a one Katherine Ashley Coleman.  Now to her and to other Queens reading this, your daily activities are just chalked up to “doing what I gotta do.” 

My wife is 6 month pregnant and does everything I just spoke of, and she does it ALL the time without fail or complaint.  She is supportive, spiritual, and ambitious and the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes upon.  She pushes me, but what stood out to me the most was the WHY?  Why does she push me so hard?  How does she know when to stop and when to subtly start back up again.  I fall victim to catching an attitude when she says, “are you going to write?” or “have you written anything today?” or “did you call this?” or “or did you call about that?”  She can be pushy.  But why is she that way?  We live comfortably; we have a comfortable home, two jobs, two cars, food on the table happy daughter and another daughter on the way.  We by no means have a lot of money but we have been blessed to pay for everything we need and have a lil change left for some things we want.  But that isn’t enough for her.  It isn’t enough for me either but there is a difference in the essence of the ambition. 

THE ESSENCE OF AMBITION.  What does a man with the smallest ambition and one with monumental ambition have in common?  We feel like we can do it on our own.  We also know it takes time and especially when we’re young we feel like we have time to make things happen.  We want bigger things for our families but we also have jobs we go to.  We have to make money for that family.  We also have responsibilities when we get home too.  We’re tired, the game is on, new Madden/2k, gotta go to the gym, doing something with our cars etc.  Now I’m not saying we don’t get tired, or that working out isn’t important.  I feel it’s good to get the game in every now and then and I’m an avid sports fan.  But at the end of the day what does that do to help us move towards our goals of being financially stable/free?  Does it help us open that business, finish that book, finish school, get our CDL or whatever it is we want to accomplish.

A good woman will recognize she has a good man and will support him through it all.  They also have a better understanding of the team aspect of a family.  She will push you to be the best you can be.  Bottom line, THEY WANT US HAPPY.  Their ambition is often intertwined with ours, but if we don’t actively pursue progression that twine can unwind.  Everyone and everything has a breaking point. We must listen to our women.  They want what we have to offer.  A WOMAN IS BUILT TO RECEIVE FROM A MAN.  Look at the act of sex.  Women receive what they need from a man in order to create LIFE.  We work together and together we can all have that better life and accomplish those goals and dreams.  Pride gets in the way of us listening to our women.  WOMEN HAVE A MUCH HARDER TIME SETTLING FOR MEDOCRITY!  If you have one of these women in your life, thank them.  Then NOTICE what they do on a daily basis.  Even the most thoughtful man can lose sight of this from time to time.  These women go hard for us.  They want to see us shine; we should want that type of woman in our life.  We wanna make our momma proud and do right by them.  It should be the same with our mates. 

*I in no way feel I know everything, and I’m aware people are different and some things don’t apply for everyone.  This is based on my feelings, what I’ve seen in my relationship and others.  It’s what I live, I’m surrounded by Queens.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year, Me Recycled.

Every year we hope for a better, prosperous, more fulfilling year than the last. I do realize around this time people make the same resolution or the all too familiar New Year New Me. Every year. Last Sunday we had a guest speaker Pastor Rick Cotton. He delivered an awesome message, perfect for the last Sunday of the year.
I'm going to share a tad bit with you.

Patience, Faith and Courage: Rahab Recycled

Rahab could easily be called the hero of the Battle of Jericho. Two spies found themselves at the door of Rahab. What would have happened if they knocked on the door of someone else? Some people can't get past the part that Rahab was a prostitute to see the good in what she did. (was meaning past tense) Rahab's reputation was so bad that a mere makeover wouldn't have helped.
Rahab needed to be recycled.

What does it mean to be recycled?
1. Being reclaimed
2. Being reprocessed
3. Being re-purposed

We have to change our habits, do them in a different way. Find a new use for what we have. Anything that goes through the recycling process has already been purchased. None of us are saved when we come into this world. We have been bought by Jesus.
Part of the reclaiming process is that there are places to take back what we're trying to get rid of. Somewhere it needs to go for the process to begin. It doesn't matter where we are when we make ourselves available to God.
*Have to be Reprocessed
The reprocessed item serves a greater purpose than what it was before.Recycling makes peoples lives and the Earth better. Many other people benefit from the reprocessing process. An outside force has to be applied chemical process. Most of the time basic elements don't serve the purpose, we need to add to it.
Faith is often tested.God isn't just satisfied with conversion. We're given a divine purpose only we can can fulfill. God is good, he gives us opportunities to share/show our faith by how we interact with others. Most of the time it doesn't cause us to put our lives on the line. 

The message was awesome, so much I have thought about it every day since then. I had to share Brandon and I were just talking about how we were about to see New Year New Me status'. Our goal was to move in the right direction to fulfill our purposes motivating each other and making this a better year allowing the Holy spirit to lead us more. You see I have this problem called laziness/procrastination and I've allowed too many excuses.  I ask God to reclaim me,reprocess and re-purpose.

I realize that I had been limiting myself and closing myself off to others. I want to allow myself to connect more with other people. I am never going to forget that where I am on my spiritual walk now, I haven't always been at this place. I will remember what it took to get here, cause it's all about the journey, it allows me to be able to relate to others. Sometimes you just have to meet people where they are, no judgement; pass on the knowledge that you are suppose to and in the end it's their decision to make a choice.  I want to be a blessing to everyone I come into contact with and be bold enough to say what is put on my heart to say.  Each year just keeps getting better and better. This year we'll be adding another girl to our family, Kolby will be turning 4,celebrating 3 years of marriage, and diving deeper into our ministries. Ask God to recycle you. I pray for a very prosperous and successful year for my family and yours.

As my daughter always says, "Praise Jesus."

Anyone else feeling inspired?