Friday, March 22, 2013

Bebe's Kids don't have nothing on kids today.

Today our society teaches our children that it is ok to have an attitude and be disrespectful. They are also taught that it is ok to say whatever comes to mind. It's ok to challenge teachers, elders and other authority figures in the community. All in the name of expressing themselves. Oh it's ok for them to talk and wear what they choose because they are merely "expressing" themselves.

        Where do you draw the line? What people don't understand is there is a time and a place for expressing yourself. What these children are not taught is that there are consequences for expressing yourself. A lot of these parents don't make anybody elses job easier either. Schools and other places are afraid to say it, but most of this behavior is learned and the lack of training comes from home. I do know that you can't blame everything on parents because when a child reaches a certain age it's time for them to be accountable for their actions. Why are you parents so scared to discipline your children? Why do you continue to say yes, when you know you should say no?

 Parents let their children do whatever when they're at home, so naturally when they are in school they believe the same behavior is acceptable at school and other places. I had a student, she decided not to follow directions, stood there staring hard , so I had to write her up. The last time she decided not to follow directions, I told her to call her mama and tell her about her behavior. She said,"I'm going to tell her what yous said too."  I told her to go ahead and tell her mama one because I'm not scared of her mama and two I said nothing out of order. That's how they respond. The killer part is she probably went home embellished the story and told her mom I said some things that I didn't. (It has happened many times before.) The students go home and make it seem like the teacher is picking on them. I am hard on my students because I care, I push them because they're capable of so much more. Instead of the parents questioning their child, they're so gung-ho about putting the teacher in their place for disciplining their child. The way I look at it is, if parents disciplined their children at home, I would not have to do it in the school.  Another point a co-worker of mine made was that she knew her son, and she knows how much of a pain he can be.

If a teacher EVER called home because of my behavior and class my mom didn't blame the teacher, my mom would also ask me what I did wrong. The parents know what their child is capable of, but they want to pretend that their child does no wrong. This helps absolutely no one and especially not your child, because every time they don't something wrong their going to run to their parents, knowing they will get back up. These kids watch/listen to anything and everything they want. Children/teens need boundaries. That's what parents are there for. Parents it's ok to be all up in your kids lifem you're their PARENTS.Be invovled, monitor what your children watch and listen to, what they wear. It's ok to ask questions, know where their going and who they're hanging out with. My mom had a block on my Family Video account, until I was 17, I could not rent rated R movies. I was also grounded in 8th grade because I had an Eminem cd in my possession (language.) My mom cared about me. She always use to say, "If I let you have and do everything now, what do you have to look forward to?"

It's true, I look at these kids and see how lost they are. If they get to go and do everything now, what do they have to look forward to? And that is when it gets dangerous. They'll start to experiement with other things. All I'm saying is it's ok to give you kids a little freedom, but it's ok to make sure you know their every move. Demand respect from your children, just make sure to keep the lines of communication open. Let them know why you're doing it and most importantly that you love them. It is ok to give your child tough love, there's such thing as tough Grace. I'd rather be the mean parent that's involved, then the cool parent who lets their child do whatever, so that they can have their childs approval. It has been said it takes a village to raise a child, but the village can't help if you as parents don't let them. Let the elderly man on the corner tell your son to pull his pants up if they're sagging down to his kneecaps and let the older woman tell a young lady it's not ladylike to cuss. People are scared to say something to these children because they're scared of what the child may do or the parents.

What do you think parents?