I would like you to listen to the song first. I'll give you a couple minutes to do that now......
I was listening to this in the car the other day, it use to be my jam, expecially since I like to dance. = )
Anyways, well my husband and I talk about everything. We live in a time where men move in with their women. Women pay for bills, rent etc. Men don't have cars and their driving around in their woman's whip. What is your limit?? and what are you (WOMEN) willing to accept from a man? I've dated the men who paid for everything, bought me nice things and tried to buy me instead of spend time with me. Then there was the guy who went halfsies on a lot of things. Then there was the guy who never had any money, to pay for dinner, gas, never really got me cards or took me any place special. If we went anywhere special I was usually paying for it.
I remember a very recent Sunday talking about the sermon after church. We were talking about the role of men and how we're designed. Our Pastor was talking to us about how men were designed to give and women were designed to receive. Men are the protectors and the providers. That being said I know we live in a different time. I know ladies we're I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T.
See video below.
Just because we can take care of ourselves, does not, I REPEAT does not mean I want to take care of a man child. Man child = an overgrown man who acts and thinks like a juvenile. Why are women settling for these men? You know, the men who when you leave the house for work at 7:30 am are playing playstation and when you come home from work at 5:30pm are in the exact same spot. Why do we continue to coddle grown ass men?Why is the lazy dude so much more appealing then the one who goes to work and has his own?I know it's about partnership, but how much are you willing to accept from a dude you just started dating? I've never been a gold digger and it's not about money, but you have to bring something to the table. And it's ok to let a man be man. Pay the bills, foot the bill at dinner, you know the bare minimum things. What are you allowing to go on?
Why are standards thrown out the window? Have you ever settled, like really settled, gotten to the point where you just got comfortable??