I'll just dive right in, this blog was suppose to be written a week ago.... and I have thought about it every day since. I must get it out. Where's the love? We as Christians are suppose to show love and live love. Preaching to someone and shoving bible verses down their throat doesn't necessarily work for all people, nor does it sit well. Sometimes the only thing we can do is to live love. Live a life of love, people are watching you, TRUST. People are watching how you handle situations in life, how you are as a person, and if you're talking the talk and walking the walk.
Christ loved us so much that he came down from heaven, to live life as a man and to ultimately die for our sins. If that's not awesome, I don't know what else can come close to comparing to that. Jesus showed us love and continues to show us love, even though we are undeserving of his love. And no matter how many times we fall, he always accepts us back, with open arms. Some of you are sitting here reading this like ok, I know all of this what are you getting at?
As Christians we are suppose to show love, even to those people who we feel are undeserving. I am so guilty of this and this is something we all struggle with, but hey we're human (we have to keep on evolving). I don't understand in a situation, how one friend can be nice to another friend and talk about how different he/she is and how much they have grown in Christ/spiritually, but in another breath be so ornery to someone else. Here's another scenario, someone is confiding in you, (maybe something that you don't neccessarily agree with) you start spitting bible verses at them. Not listening mixed with, unneccessary aggressiveness usually never works.
We're suppose to love one another and be better. Why is it the "hardcore" Christian that tells people they're going to hell? Why are they going to hell because they sin differently than you do? Why is any Christian condemning someone to hell? We're suppose to open our arms and show love. Be the light. (Easier said than done). We have to love the unloveable. Jesus didn't come down here and love the people who were easy to love. He went out and found the prostitutes and tax collectors. No judgement, just love and some guidance. We were placed here to tell others about Jesus and how awesome he is.But sometimes no words are required, our lives have to be that example. We all have our struggles, but we're suppose to encourage each other, not condemn.
Do you talk the talk and walk the walk? What are your thoughts?
I agree! When we try to "correct" our friend's "erroneous" thoughts by shoving scriptures down their throat we start to lose the battle. I find it's best to meet people where they are. Identify with their feels, then offer another way to view the situation. It's thru understanding that we're able to reach people.
What a wonderfully insightful young lady you are. You are right on the money. God is leading you in the right direction. We are NOT perfect and will NEVER achieve perfection in THIS skin! You have identified self proclaimed Christians that are NOT living as Christ-like as possible. I grew up in the era when my elders preached the God of Hell-fire and damnation and taught us to fear God. As I have matured in Christ as You are doing, I've learned that the God I serve is a God of Love and Purpose. I've learned that the fear that was instilled in me is Reverence, Respect, Love,and Gratitude. Again I say you are right on track as you speak about judging others. We are NOT to judge others; that is the sole right of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and Jesus DID spend his time with the SINNERS not the Saints. I AM a Christian and had shied away from stating that for the very reasons you cited. Christians can tend to push others AWAY from Christ versus drawing them NEAR to him based on OUR actions. We are the stumbling blocks when we should be the light that attracts others by our actions and cause people to wonder, Wow, what is so different about that person, I want to know what makes them the way they are (in a positive light). I had even moved to stating I'm a follower of Christ instead of a Christian. I want to encourage you to continue to speak your mind, keep us on the right track, SHOW us the way we should be with the beautiful spirit which YOU possess. Thank you,this OLD lady needed to see the Light of our YOUTH Outshine ALL the rest of us old codgers. Love you girl. Great Job!
I agree! When we try to "correct" our friend's "erroneous" thoughts by shoving scriptures down their throat we start to lose the battle. I find it's best to meet people where they are. Identify with their feels, then offer another way to view the situation. It's thru understanding that we're able to reach people.
ReplyDeleteGreat post!
What a wonderfully insightful young lady you are. You are right on the money. God is leading you in the right direction. We are NOT perfect and will NEVER achieve perfection in THIS skin! You have identified self proclaimed Christians that are NOT living as Christ-like as possible. I grew up in the era when my elders preached the God of Hell-fire and damnation and taught us to fear God. As I have matured in Christ as You are doing, I've learned that the God I serve is a God of Love and Purpose. I've learned that the fear that was instilled in me is Reverence, Respect, Love,and Gratitude. Again I say you are right on track as you speak about judging others. We are NOT to judge others; that is the sole right of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and Jesus DID spend his time with the SINNERS not the Saints. I AM a Christian and had shied away from stating that for the very reasons you cited. Christians can tend to push others AWAY from Christ versus drawing them NEAR to him based on OUR actions. We are the stumbling blocks when we should be the light that attracts others by our actions and cause people to wonder, Wow, what is so different about that person, I want to know what makes them the way they are (in a positive light). I had even moved to stating I'm a follower of Christ instead of a Christian. I want to encourage you to continue to speak your mind, keep us on the right track, SHOW us the way we should be with the beautiful spirit which YOU possess. Thank you,this OLD lady needed to see the Light of our YOUTH Outshine ALL the rest of us old codgers. Love you girl. Great Job!