It's funny how all these different topics are relevant to my life in some shape or form. Our site coordinator for our building, her brother stopped by to talk to her and since that's my homie she brought him down to my room to meet me. They look like twins except for the fact that he is a giant. She also introduced him to my mom and of course my mom asked if he was married or seeing someone. She jokingly said that she had some available friends and chuckled. Then later when my mom and I were talking she asked if I met our site coordinator's brother. She was like he's a man who can build almost anything and he likes to work with his hands. She was like he's the kind of man women need to be looking for. A man that works with his hands and is not afraid to work. I said I'm sure he cleans up pretty nice too. I started writing this blog a few days before this happened. but it got me thinking and it was just further validation that I needed to write me blog and publish. I just looked up and said, "Alright God, I hear you."
I want a GOOD man. I don't know how many times I've heard women (me included) say this. I truly believe that we attract what we are. If you're currently a mess I wouldn't advise you to go out and try to find a mate. (I'm just saying) Women continuously ask for a good men, when we're asking this we have to make sure that we've examined ourselves and have something good to offer as well. But I believe first and foremost we most love and like ourselves in order to proceed to the next step. Women when you ask for something sincerely in your heart and you are in the place to receive it, accept the good thing that God blesses you with when it comes. I asked for a Good man and paraded around with all the wrong men, while I had my good man there all along.
I promise, I woke up one day (when Brandon and I were together previously) thinking about our relationship. He was great a gentleman, opening doors, affectionate, thoughtful, loving and the list goes one, we didn't argue, we got along great. I just thought to myself why is everything going so great? why is he so nice? Mind you this is what I had prayed for, but I wasn't willing to accept it once I had it. I questioned it and started picking fights, now this, this was what I was use to. Just cause it was something that I was use to doesn't mean that this is how relationships are suppose to be. I'll chalk it up to being immature.
I'm sharing this to say that I'm sure this happens all too often in our world ladies. Some of us have to learn how to break patterns, STOP GOING AFTER THE boys dressed up like Men. Step out the box date the nice guy, cause at the end of the day that's who you want to be with anyways. Stop being so quick to put the good guy in the friend zone and continue to chase after the "bad boy." Women want a good man, but aren't willing to go through the necessary steps to procure a good man. (Not all women, hats off to the women who reeled the good guy in the first time around : )) We have to trust in God, like I keep telling you God's got you. We have to stop ignoring that gut feeling that he gives us, if we started listening we would get out of dead end relationships much quicker. God does reveal to us things about our partners, we just have to pay attention. Why is it that we continue to ask for good guys but end up running behind the boys playing dress up? Women can meet someone have a great chemistry with someone, then try to find a flaw in them, so that they can go back to guy that continues to treat them like the dirt on the bottom of your shoe.
We have to accept our blessings in the whatever form they come in.( mine just happened to be 6'0, chocolate with big arms... another woman's blessing might be 5'10 and look like Drake, when Drake was Jimmy on DeGrassi lol let me stop. The next time you're praying and asking for something/someone, ask yourself one question am I ready for it?
Has anyone else tried to sabotage a relationship that was going great because you weren't ready?