We went to Home Depot once, hoping that we bought everything that we needed. But as everyone knows we ended up back at Home Depot a few more times. When we got back home it was then when my husband informed me of what he heard in passing. I guess there were two men who were looking at me. My husband is very observant, he always peeps things that I am terribly oblivious too. I walked back over to my husband, grabbed his hand and he over heard the men say, "They're always with the ugly ones." In Brandon fashion he then turned around and winked at them. Brandon didn't tell me any of this went on until we got home. I probably would have sat there and lectured the men for 5 minutes about their ignorant comment. I was angry, the nerve of some people.
The men drew their assumptions based solely on how we look on the outside. For starters my husband is fine., (My opinion, yet again my opinion is the one that matters) Marriages based solely on looks....usually don't end up working in the long run, but what do I know? Over years physically we go through changes we gain weight from pregnancies or life, boobs sag, we get stretch marks, back fat, weight goes up and down....behinds widen, we battle different illnesses. The list could go on and on. My husband loves me for me, he sees me all of me. He sees those ugly parts (fat rolls and stretch marks, I'm kidding, but he does see them) and yet and still chooses to love me. You know those ugly parts you wouldn't dare capture and put all over social media. Those parts that people try to hide, we all have them cause no marriage/relationship is perfect. And your bound to get on each others nerves, frustrate one another, disagree, you see this person EVERY day. For every time that we've argued, disagreed,frustrated each other there are 100 more times that we have made each other happy, laugh and comforted one another.. We have created some awesome life and continue to do so. I'm not trying to scare anyone when it comes to marriage because it's probably the best decision I have made other than accept Jesus as my personal savior, I'm just saying.
Attractiveness ( I know not a word, I'm going to use it) anyways and what people are attracted to vary from person to person. We like different attributes in people because we aren't robots. We're all programmed differently. I know that my husband finds me attractive, but that there are men out there that don't. Since my husband finds me attractive and I think that I'm fine (lol) does any of that other stuff really matter? To me not so much. I'm drawn to my husband not just because of his good looks, he is charming, a man like a mans man, we have a connection that has always been there. The understanding is there. I could go on and on about my husband, on to the next thought.
I was sort of taken aback, people can be so shallow, not a big surprise there. I believe people should focus more on their own business, life would be so much better if we learned to just keep our mouths shut sometimes. Oh the things we would learn. In church Pastor Marion said this year that she wanted us not only to read the word but to dig deeper look below the surface. We have to learn how to do that as human beings, we can't just look at the surface we have to go below the surface and dig deep and in some instances dive. I believe if we spent more time doing that getting to know someone truly know someone we wouldn't waste our time we could move on easier without any strings attached. Instead what ends up happening and this is may or may not be from personal experience is that we just pay attention to what's going on, on the surface and we end up jumping into a relationship with someone we have no business being with. We're so busy looking at what's going on on the surface that we miss all the important things because we didn't go deep enough, That can turn into something messy real quick and we stay in mess instead of leaving it because we got more involved than we should have.

We have to look below the surface, because that is where the beauty lies. Sometimes digging isn't enough, sometimes we have to dive in to get a better look. The biggest bonus my husband's weird matches my weird, He gets me. Did I mention that my husband is fine??